To be young again

I’m not sure when we start to feel things like cold differently but I remember not caring about being freezing when I was little and now, I’m a wimp.  Yesterday while making dinner, holding Audrey and talking to my sister briefly on the phone, I saw Caleb walk out onto the deck.  He said he wanted to throw some snowballs at me through the slider.  Noticing he was completely without clothes except some Nascar underwear, I figured he’d come back in.  I’m a big fan of reality doing the teaching instead of me whenever possible.  He started piling up snow on the deck.  Completely un-bothered by the lack of clothes.  In 40 degree cold.


Fast forward a few minutes, Rylee and Kyler (dressed) are out with him, he runs in and says “Wow, my hands are cold, I need some gloves!”  I’m smiling, thinking really, is that all?  He gets gloves and mismatched shoes while he’s in, hops right back outside.  I am giggling watching all that skin and little buns that say “Nascar” scurry around my deck outside.  Rylee decides everyone needs hats, it is cold after all.  So she comes in and gets them all one….sun hats at first then a fleece one for Caleb.  I won’t tell you how long he was deliriously happy to play out there, lest you judge me and my mothering ways!  Just be amused with me, it really was too fun.  It was my first big smile and laugh of the whole day and exactly what I needed.



The Babysitter Returns!

The long awaited return of Mackenna!

The long awaited return of Mackenna!

Some people go a lifetime without finding that one babysitter that they trust with their children completely.  We are blessed to have Mackenna as one of those babysitters, and no – you can’t have her number!  Fortunately for her, and unfortunately for the rest of us back home, Mackenna decided to travel abroad and entered a school overseas.  She did however, come back for Christmas break, and our kids could not wait to see her.  Here are some pictures of the snow day they had together.

A little snowman in the back

A little snowman in the back

Oh yeah...I'm tough...take that Frosty!

Oh yeah...I'm tough...take that Frosty!


What did you do on your snow day?


The snow day crew

After having another large dumping of snow we decided throw the chains on the van and head on over to Uncle Buzz’s pretty sweet sledding spot by their house.  After about 5 runs on the sled, Kyler was done.  The pose you see him in the pictures below was pretty much the pose he had for another hour or so while Caleb, Rylee, and friends continued sledding.  We then trudged (literally) all the way back to Isaac, Dee Dee, and Buzz’s house with our faces in the pouring snow for some lunch, hot cocoa, and cookies.  It is great having them so close for days like today.  Here are a few pics to get an idea of our day:

Here are the three troopers...Audrey and Isaac were not quite up for the sled.

Here are the three troopers...Audrey and Isaac were not quite up for the sled.

Kyler had enough of the sledding after a few runs

Kyler had enough of the sledding after a few runs

This one was intense

This one was intense

Nice hat!  Oh, and nice baby too!

Lovely hat! Oh, and lovely baby too!

Can you say Christmas card?

Can you say Christmas card?

Some snow and an impromptu hair cut

rylee-snowIn case you aren’t from around the Seattle area, we are experiencing an atypical cold snap. It’s no where near what many parts of the country deal with for about three months, but for us Seattleites, 18 degrees is downright chilly. Normally when we get about 4 inches of the white stuff like we did on Sunday, it is gone before the Monday morning commute. However, since it is still below freezing, we still have all of the original accumulation. To top it off, it is supposed to dump up to another 6 inches or so today. We will see if that actually happens.

On the home front, Caleb managed to get a hold of Daddy’s electric razor and gave himself a bit of a trim. We found him in our room where he had been surreptitiously hiding out pretending to be a barber. I am not sure trim is the right word actually, if he would have continued on his whole head he would have been ready for the Marines. Instead, he has a about a 1/2 inch by 2 inch line taken off the front of his head. In hopes to keep him from feeling any worse than he does already, we have not taken any pictures. With his longer hair, it is covered up for the most part, but we do here the occasional “Daddy, my hair feels funny” in a sad tone. Poor guy.
