The tree

We have had many awesome, epic tree hunting adventures in years past.  But this year there just wasn’t any way to fit in a trip to cut our own.  Sometimes simply being flexible is the name of the game.  It was drizzling and cold, again, so it was a short lived outing but any outing with cousins is a fun one.  Oh how thankful we are to live nearby my sister and her stellar hubby and their beautiful, precious kids!

Pumpkin Patch 2010

There is something wonderful and healing for me about going to the same place to do the same thing year after year.  I am more aware of this now than ever just because the last couple of years have held a lot of change for us.  It’s nice when some things stay the same.  Like Bob’s corn…we had a perfect, cold, fall day with my sister and her family.

Sunshine and cousins

We hustled our buns this morning to get our morning school work done so we could go for a walk down our favorite trail.  The nice, clear, blue sky/cool air days are such a delight.  Having a cousin to share them with is even better.

sept 09 078

Audrey was a little sad that she didn’t have a stick like her buddy Isaac. But she found one then continued her ‘baby chatter’ with her cousin.

sept 09 086

How sweet are they?  They are so their own little people already.  Audrey throws fits over what shoes to wear.  Isaac finds danger at every possible opportunity.  Audrey’s face crumples if you look at her sternly.  Isaac is so tough that he does remarkably well ‘wrestling’ with his big boy cousins.

We thought it would be fun to have same-gendered cousins since they would be 6 weeks apart in age…but wow, we both feel abundantly blessed to share our lives with these two little people.   They are both such perfect gifts to our families!

sept 09 062“Got my pink shoes, my pink kitty, my pink jacket and my favorite lovey-what a lovely walk!”

sept 09 068“Got my stick.  What else is there?”

sept 09 091It is possible this one needs a haircut.  But man is his straight, soft hair so handsome.

sept 09 094And this one?  He was carefully holding his treasure in the lid to my coffee, a super fuzzy caterpillar that he brought home with us today (he also-unknowingly-brought a shoe covered with fresh dog poop into the van, that was fun).

Anacortes-one year later

I realized in looking at pictures from our wonderful trip to Anacortes that we had many pictures of the family in the exact same places as last year and we were there in August both years…I thought it would be fun to post them together.  So much changes in a year!

august 2008 132Tired Kyler last year

august 2009 177Tired Kyler this year!

august 2008 110Bathing three last year…

august 2009 119Bathing four this year!

august 2008 156Caleb last year…

august 2009 157…and this year at the same beach.

august 2008 166Sweet Rylee last August…

august 2009 132..and this August, minus a few teeth!

august 2008 147Kyler last year…

august 2009 135Kyler this year, more hair and less baby chub!

august 2008 192the baby cousins last year, tiny and new…

august 2009 069august 2009 072august 2009 073august 2009 081

…baby cousins this year, into all kinds of mischief together!

august 2008 218Last year, in the kitchen, looking at the baby deer and her mama…

august 2009 053…this year in the kitchen with family visiting from Africa!