Home group + children = real life

We began this journey in September, I read the sign up list for small groups at church and ours was the only one that said “children welcome”.  Which is totally normal for American church, I get it.  But we decided from the get go that if we were going to host a community group in our home, it would have to be all of us.  The logistics of a weekly sitter wasn’t even the real issue.  The much more significant factor was that we saw great value in figuring out how to build community with our kids in the mix.  They are after all, an integral part of our life.

After much consideration we decided last summer that we would host a Sunday evening group and meet for dinner at 5:00.  We thought maybe no one would sign up for our family oriented group.  We had no idea that we’d end up spending the better part of a year sharing life with these 21+ people (11 of them being children 10 and under!).

Here are a few reflections and lessons learned from our first year doing this:

  • Sharing a meal together weekly is a major investment – but it is tremendously worthwhile.  Everyone has to eat right?  So why not figure out how to do it together?
  • Simply eating together poses all sorts of opportunity to get to know people better.  You gain understanding of food allergies, favorites and how people tend to eat in their own homes.
  • By delegating the components of each meal, the load can be shared reasonably well with the whole group.
  • NOT delegating means me cooking dinner for 20 people.  Which happened more than once.  But it was my poor planning and failure to ask for help.  Lesson?  Next time we will choose 5 or 6 favorite meals and simply rotate each week through the options.  This would require much less of me (who already plans and prepares about 18 meals a week for 6 or 7 people).
  • Hosting a small group does not require impeccable housecleaning skills.  Sometimes the guest bath smelled terrible.  Sometimes the counters weren’t cleaned off.  Sometimes there was still laundry about.
  • It’s more than okay not to have your house in tip top shape.  It’s real and real is good.  What matters far more is that your heart and attitude say “welcome” when people walk in your front door.
  • If you’ve been having a spat with your hubby and aren’t on speaking terms, it might be slightly awkward to have a load of people over, discuss a book and pray together all the while offering a cold shoulder to your spouse.  Dealing with your issues would have probably been better.  However, this again, is just life and sharing it with others is part of the journey.  No one has it together all the time and its okay for other people to see that!
  • When you don’t feel well and you want to stay in bed, throwing sweats on and saying “come on in” anyway is enough.  There is something intimately wonderful about inviting others into your (imperfect) life and home.
  • Your children will at some point be very loud or very naughty or very naked and it will be embarrassing.  This.  Is.  Life.
  • Half way through the year I told everyone “You are like family now and it sometimes takes me 2 or 3 days to finish the dishes from us all eating on Sunday!  So I really need some help in the kitchen after we eat.”  Problem solved.
  • Paper products are expensive and wasteful.  I couldn’t see buying and using them every week.  So we use real dishes.  This wouldn’t work for everyone (which is totally okay, you’ve gotta do what works for you!) but we made it work.
  • While kids played after dinner, we could discuss the chapter in the book we were reading together and then pray for one another.  Yes, we were interrupted at times.  Especially in winter it was a little hard and loud.  But the kids learned over time that they needed to wait till after we prayed to ask for dessert or to come see their shows.
  • It is a tremendous privilege to be able to pray for others and even more amazing to watch those prayers be answered.  Every family in our group including ours came up against some tough stuff this year.  Being able to share those burdens is a beautiful picture of love in action.
  • And last but certainly not least – everyone could use a Roger in their life…

Roger!Don’t ask me how he got dubbed “Roger”, I’ve absolutely no idea.  But Kyler, in this particular costume, is Roger.  And he has entertained us many Sunday nights.  Tonight’s year end final show was as unique as the rest:

finalethe crew


Farm kids

If you’ve visited us here, you know I use the term farm loosely – it’s more a hobby farm.  We don’t have land cleared for growing our own food, I completely gave up on gardening this year, I don’t even have one single tomato plant growing (I do have hundreds of seeds that I’d hoped to plant this spring!).  But we do have all sorts of animals (including goats we will breed next year so that we can have fresh milk), chickens that provide our eggs and various wildlife that call our back forest their home.

Here are some snapshots from the past week or two of life around here…

taking an ice cream break on operation "put together play set" day!

taking an ice cream break on operation “put together play set” day!

Rylee and her sweet pal Ellie mowing Rylee's patch of the back lawn

Rylee and her sweet pal Ellie mowing Rylee’s patch of the back lawn

these brave ones came closer to the house than usual - I'm fairly sure our noise level here isn't conducive to their being super close but this was sure special!

these brave ones came closer to the house than usual – I’m fairly sure our noise level here isn’t conducive to their being super close but this was sure special!

the view from the kitchen window that morning...

the view from the kitchen window that morning…

a few mornings ago, I heard Finn leave the garage, when I caught a glimpse of this I ran right back in to snap a photo (he had no idea I was there the whole time)

A few mornings ago, I heard Finn leave the garage, when I caught a glimpse of him I ran right back in for the camera (he had no idea I was there the whole time).  Truly, this pic is the essence of my boy in so many ways.

Upon quietly following him, I realized he'd gotten handfuls of goat treats and was heading out to doll them amongst his goat friends.

Upon quietly following him, I realized he’d gotten handfuls of goat treats and was heading out to doll them amongst his goat friends.

He reached up to throw the last treat over to see who could snatch it up fastest - then headed back in to find some other fun thing to do.  The boy is more resourceful than I can possibly express.

He reached up to throw the last treat over to see who could snatch it up fastest – then headed back in to find some other fun thing to do. The boy is more resourceful than I can possibly express.

First annual Ciderfest

We traveled north to visit some precious pals and spend the day celebrating fall and pressing apples for cider.  There is NOTHING like the smell of hundred of pounds of apples being smashed into brown cloudy liquid yum.

First the kids helped rinse the apples before tossing them into the (homemade=awesome) thing that chops them all up before pressing…

Then Kyler stood by with jugs, which were filled super fast because our apples were so darn juicy!

Living history – colonial times

History in a textbook can be so boring that the whole subject is forever labeled as far from interesting.  One of my favorite things is when I get the chance to make it come alive for my children.  Today was one of those days.  Our American Girl book club group met here today and we studied colonial America.  We’ve been hard at work all week getting ready and I was nervous last night that the day wouldn’t meet up to our collective expectations!

Colonial Williamsburg, where the Felicity books take place, is a place so near to the heart of our family.  We’ve visited numerous times and my grandparents live there.  My husband is a history major and is totally passionate about history.  I am the teacher of our children so I am immersed in all of it all over again and that has to be one of the best things ever!

We started with a book discussion, talked about colonial times, what their life looked like and how it differed from ours.  We talked about the Patriots and Loyalists and how much was at stake during that time. The girls joined me at the table where I’d put out several things similar to what they would have seen in the late 1700’s.

Glass blown by hand tinged green from the algae in the water, large keys made of metal and brass, candle holders to light dark nights with no electricity, extremely heavy iron that had to heat in the fire before using them and a washboard for all the hand washing of laundry.  A copy of the Declaration of Independence and a colonial map, just for fun!

In discussing clothing and bathing, we learned that the reason they wore those white caps on their heads wasn’t just the style but that it kept their hair clean – bathing was such an ordeal.  The mob cap protected them from sun as well as kept their heads cleaner.  My (amazing) mother offered to sew white mob caps for all the girls and also to get ready little small mob caps for their dolls.  It was too fun!

  The girls glued lace to the edge of their doll caps then let it dry and later threaded elastic through to complete the project – they were so proud – they turned out darling!  Even the boys insisted on dressing up, their job was to tend the fire outside.

I walked the girls outside, talked about how much work just making a cake would be, getting milk, making butter, grinding flour and collecting eggs.  We don’t get milk yet from our goats but we talked about how they would have had animals that all served a purpose and were key to their survival.  Our horse is a cute pet but I said that horses would have had to work hard then, plowing, pulling carriages or being ridden.  We checked for eggs but there were none, I’d taken the last two from under the hens this morning to bake our apple cake for snack time!

We made a button spinner, buzz saw type game with a string and button, played Blindman’s Bluff in the backyard and colored colonial paper dolls.  We talked about the things they used to play with – corn husks, shells, flowers, leaves and tried to imagine those being our ‘fun things’.

Getting to do this with these girls was the highlight of the month for me and for sure one of the highlights of our year!  Next time we meet I am hosting a formal tea, teaching how to curtsy and dance the minuet.  We might learn some manners too!

Simple summer fun

She’s carrying her seventh baby blessing and I recently miscarried our sixth.  We have quite the clan of little people when our tribes are together.  When she comes I feel no pressure at all to clean house or hide all the laundry.  We both educate our children at home so during the year we have less time for these lazy sorts of days but oh my goodness do we enjoy them when they come.  Last Thursday was one of those that we never wanted to end….

and my all time favorite summer photo (possibly ever) because it seems to exude everything ‘summer’?