Just Heard Thursday

After an unusually long stretch of not one kid-free moment for me, I could feel my internal reserves running on fumes.  Usually I do a fair job of getting out, taking care of myself which I’ve come to find a non-luxury but an honest necessity in this stage of life I’m in with little kids, homeschooling, not working outside the home…

So last night around 9 I headed over to a friends’ home (her husband is out of town for the week) for a movie, popcorn and good wine.  It was just what I needed only I was left in charge of movie selection and I’m embarrassed to say that my choice was not the best.  We watched The Blind Truth-a smutty, low quality romantic comedy chock full of sexual innuendo.

At dinner tonight, I intimated to Chris that the movie had been fairly sub par.  He asked what it was about, to which I replied “It was about the ‘truth’ of what men really want.” He cracked a smile and instantly caught my drift.

But Rylee immediately responded exceedingly confident that she knew the answer:


We were undone.  I’m still laughing typing it.  I hope she thinks that all men want is coke for MANY years to come 🙂


Kyler (bursting in the door from the yard):  “Mom, I saw Mason’s peanut.  It’s huge.  And it’s a hairy peanut.”

Two things are important here:

  1. Mason is the dog who lives behind us
  2. Peanut is Kyler’s term for boy private parts

I hid behind the counter laughing.  Mainly because my mother was there and I wanted to act grown up enough not to bust a gut laughing at bathroom humor.  But really, I’m not grown up enough.  Yet.

Just Heard Thursday

It’s been a while!  I only have two little snippets to share today…

Caleb drew a  family picture, the first one he’s ever made.  And this is what it looked like:

Before he labeled all the people I asked who was who and he responded:

Well, you are in the middle of course Mama.  And you’re thick.  So that’s you.  And Daddy’s not so thick, he’s on your side.  I’m on your other side, see?  With my arm on your shoulder?  Uh oh…looks like I forgot to draw Kyler.  Here, we can squeeze him in here.


I’d like to say that it doesn’t bother me one tiny bit and I’m totally secure in who I am.  I’ve come a long ways from the borderline anorexic completely weight-obsessed 17 year old who needed counseling.  And I’m honestly more comfortable in my skin than I’ve been in my life but I still wouldn’t mind being less ‘thick’.

Being drawn by my 5 year old as ‘the thick one’ wasn’t probably a high point of my day and that’s the truth.

On a lighter note after having a sweet 20-something friend over last night for dinner to catch up on life with us, Rylee listened intently as our friend shared a completely enchanting love story that is unfolding in her life right now.

Today, after pondering all that she heard last night of love and romance and a very magical courtship Rylee had but one insightful question:

Why doesn’t Daddy do all that stuff that Heather’s friend does?

I answered as best as I could and tried to explain to a 6 year old that when you are dating, you work extra hard to make the other person feel special and you show your love to them in all kinds of ways.  I told her that when I was 16, Daddy baked me brownies with a special note actually cooked inside the brownie.  He brought me flowers all the time.  We hand wrote dozens of letters to each other.  We went out on dates together every weekend and talked until 3 in the morning just for fun.

I told her that when you get married and settle into life together, all the special things don’t usually happen quite so often and you get to show your love in different ways that are meaningful but not the same.

She was not impressed.  I’m pretty sure she thought all the sweetness that our friend had shared over dinner sounded much more wonderful.  Which is just fine for now.  But it was darling to watch her little mind try to process the whole thing.

Just Heard Thursday

jht-logo2(One day late) – it’s been a long week!

Audrey has decided it’s time to be done nursing.  It feels strange to have an almost 18 month old baby and to not be pregnant again.  By this time with all the others, we already were expecting another.  Somehow this week, Kyler became acutely aware of his sisters’ other food source (me) even though she hardly ever nurses anymore.


Kyler (forlorn, watching Audrey nurse):  “I wish I could be Audrey.  I wish I could snuggle an’ have what she’s havin’.  Yeah, I like mama so much.”

Kyler (again later, just staring at Mama):  “Yummy mama (sigh)”.


Caleb:  “Can we play that fun game?”

Mama (knows he means UNO which lasted a LONG hour yesterday):  “I just woke up, I’m not ready for that yet.”

Rylee:  “But I heard you get Audrey up early.”

Mama:  “Well I did, I got up two hours ago with her cause she was screaming her little head off.”

Caleb:  “Well then you lied to us.  You didn’t just wake up, you’ve been up a long time, you can play the game.”

Mama:  Okay, what I meant was, I’m still just waking up.  I haven’t woken up enough to play the game.

(I shuffle away sleepily)

Rylee:  “See Caleb, she can’t even make the right words yet.  She’s definitely not awake yet.”

Just Heard Thursday


Here are a few things that made us laugh this week (and one from July that I found and had forgotten to post)!

Kyler (to a toy phone):  “Yes, I do.”

Toy phone (again): “Do you want to be my friend?”

Kyler:  “Yes, I said yes.”

Toy phone:  “Do you want to be my friend?”

Kyler (exasperated, still holding the phone to his ear):  “Yes, I said YES already!”


Toy car:  “The Piston Cup is mine!”

Kyler:  “No its not.  It’s mine!”

Apparently he can argue with toys if no one else is around.


At the dinner table last night a discussion of muscles arose:

Caleb:  “Squeeze real hard Kyler, like this-then you can show your muscle.”

Rylee:  “If dad were here, he would show us his muscle and it would be like a giant, hard rock.  He’s so strong.”

Kyler:  “You have muscles mom?”


Rylee:   “Yeah, Princess Camp was pretty fun today.  Except this one girl named _____.  She made us call her  AngelCake.  She was really mean.  She kept hitting me with the streamer sticks we were playing with.  She kept going in time out.  She didn’t listen at all.  That was not so fun.”

Just Heard Thursday

We are about to start our school time today but really quick I wanted to share these before I forget, no time to find my husband’s nifty logo, maybe later!  These were things I heard this week that made me smile…

Mama:  “Kyler, please finish your waffles.”

Kyler:  “Can’t, puppies don’t eat waffles.”

(later this morning) Mama: “Please put some underwear on.”

Kyler:  “Puppies don’t wear underwear.”

(finding Kyler sucking a pacifier reserved for sleeping) Mama: “Kyler, puppies don’t suck binkies, take it out.”

Kyler:  {silence}

Feels good to beat them at their own game some days!


Yesterday heading to the city for a baseball game….

Rylee shouted:  “The Space Needle!!”

Kyler shouted back out of the blue:  “Darth Vader!!”


On the ferry to an island close by yesterday, a ferry worker heard Caleb talking back to his mama…

Ferry man (very good naturedly):  “Do I need to take you up to see the captain son?  You best not be givin’ your mama a hard time.  Know what?  Mama’s number one.  Who’s number one?  Mama.  Always number one.  See, she’s driving you all over today.  Bet she feeds you too.  When you’re a teenager and you stick to high heaven, no one else but your mama is gonna tell you to get your stick (deodrant) and use it.  Nope.  Only mama.   Number one.  You done giving her a hard time?  You gonna treat your mama right?  I hope so.

Number one.  Don’t forget it son.

Caleb hid his head at all the fuss but he was quite a polite little boy the rest of the day.


After getting scolded for being an aggresive driver by my husband yesterday (I simply didn’t want to share the carpool lane with a CHEATER) this conversation ensued:

Our young friend we brought with us said this:  “If it were my dad driving, he would honk his horn and flash his lights a lot.  Then he would follow real close.  Then he would back way off.  Then he would follow them home to their house…”

We laughed hysterically.  But I think she was serious.

Chris asked :  “What would Jesus do?”

Rylee:  “Probably not that.  Probably be patient and wait.”

Mama (sheepish):  “Probably.”

Kyler chiming in:  “But if Jesus was standing on the sidewalk.  He might get runned over by a car.  That be so sad.”