Winter sunset

11 months old and watching the world around him every minute – he can’t wait to be able to keep up with everyone

creeping close to 4 years old and an absolute delight of a girl

best friends + cousins

unbelievably sweet and tender boy – loves his baby brother more than words can possibly say

conqueror, overcomer, adventurer

“Mommy, look I drew you in the sand….and you’re a princess!” – Audrey

thoughtful, observant, nurturing and responsible

rock scrambling before the light runs out

watching the big boys throw rocks in the water

sometimes the unplanned, last minute outings are the best…
but anything with cousins is always fun!

A few holiday snapshots

Wow.  I can’t believe we didn’t get any posts up the week of Christmas.

Then again I can.  We had family gatherings nearly every day for over a week.  Many of them at our home.

It was crazy.  And fun (mostly – except my sometone’s temper tantrum on Christmas Eve).

Here are a few sweet moments we captured (better late than never hopefully!)…